Tweet of the Week
OU’s parking services are strict. Sorry @President_Boren #MayThe4thBeWithYou
— John Stewart (@jstew511) May 4, 2016
Blog Writing
– Just this.
– I have been reviewing the content for the History Channel summer courses and reviewing the logistics for the courses with the registrar’s office. This is much more complicated than normal courses because 1) It’s an online course; 2) We encourage non-OU students to take the course for credit; 3) There are three formats for the class (4-week, 8-week, and 16-week); 4) the class is cross-listed between two colleges; and 5) The TA who has been working on the course for the last three semesters, Matt Caire, just defended his PhD and will be leaving soon.
OU Create Maintenance
– A couple of students who had signed up for blogs back in 2014 wanted to cancel their accounts. Technically this was a new challenge, but more importantly it raised the issue of why students may or may not want to keep their domains as they move out of the University setting. Andrew Rikard addressed the issue of student domain ownership in his blog post “Do I Own My Domain If You Grade It?” A big part of the Domain of One’s Own and OU Create projects is teaching digital literacy and managing online presence, but we need to talk more with students about their interests and concerns with these projects.
Reading and Viewing and Gaming
– I read the LARB critique of Digital Humanities. My colleague, Lauren Horn Griffin and I both annotated the article with on Monday, finishing just before the flashmob annotation started by Jeremy Dean, Susannah Simmons, and Remi Holden. I’ve also read most of the follow up blogs, many of which are listed in this morning’s piece from Inside Higher Ed.
– We cancelled DirectTV this week and shifted over to Sling TV.
– Keegan Long Wheeler hosted the #games4ed twitter chat last night and focused the discussion on OER in Educational Games. Keegan and I have been working pretty heavily on the subject, so the discussion was really useful for us.
– We are getting new kitchen countertops today, which is exciting and means my house is a complete wreck:
Only took me like 2 hours to disassemble my kitchen sink and faucet. #winning #coveredingunk #nocluewhatIamdoing
— John Stewart (@jstew511) May 6, 2016